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Pharmacy Blogs in Union City, New Jersey

Ways How to Improve Your Memory

Our memory becomes a little rusty as we age. This is a normal effect of aging and it is quite common. The good news is, there are many things that you can do to help boost that memory of yours. Here’s how: Eat foods good for the brain like fish, broccoli, nuts (except if you’re … Continue reading

Useful Tips to Prevent Diabetes

For everyone’s information, diabetes is not a simple disease that you can just ignore. It is a serious chronic disease that can be deadly if neglected. Two out of three people suffering from diabetes will most likely die from cardiovascular-related episodes, such as a heart attack or stroke. This may be scary to think about. … Continue reading

Posted in Diabetes

Managing Your Allergy

Allergies are annoying. But more than that, serious allergic reactions can be fatal. The most common symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, itchy skin, and shortness of breath. You won’t be able to get rid of your allergies completely but you can try to reduce or manage your allergic reactions. Know your allergens so … Continue reading

Posted in Allergy

Importance of Knowing Your Medications

Your medications are crucial for your overall health. Regularly taking medications prescribed by your healthcare provider and on time is very important for treating many types of temporary illnesses and controlling chronic conditions. Your doctor prescribed it for a reason, which is for the good of your health and safety. Listen carefully to your healthcare … Continue reading

Posted in Medications

Goiter: Types, Risks, and How to Prevent It

Our thyroid gland helps in secreting hormones that regulate bodily functions. This includes metabolism, heart rate, and respiration, among others. However, when you lack iodine in the body or even produce above normal iodine, it could lead to a condition called “Goiter.”  There are different types of goiter, namely: Simple goiters – when your thyroid … Continue reading

Posted in Goiter

Answer to Your Unique Medication Needs

There are a lot of people who can’t take the prescribed medicines for their health condition, this is because some components of their prescribed medicine may give them a certain allergic reaction, this is where compounding is needed. At Prescription Center Pharmacy, a quality Retail Pharmacy in Union City, New Jersey, we offer compounding services so people … Continue reading