Author Archives: Louise Savoie
Make Sure You Have These Medications at Home (Part 2)
In case of medical emergencies, it is always important to be ready. We cannot predict what might occur in life, after all. This is why, in our previous blog, we have listed two out of the various medications that you and your family members, as well as your peers and other people you care about, … Continue reading
Make Sure You Have These Medications at Home (Part 1)
Individuals who are living with unique health conditions such as age-related diseases, cognitive impairment, mobility limitations, and other forms of being infirmed are not the only ones who should have some medications stocked in their medicine cabinets at home. Likewise, you do not have to be ill to equip your home with Medical Supplies in … Continue reading
Things You Need to Know About Brittle Diabetes
Brittle diabetes is defined by the National Center for Advancing Transitional Sciences as the “hard-to-control” diabetes or the “labile diabetes.” This type of diabetes is characterized by large swings in blood glucose levels where a patient’s levels can swiftly transition from too high to too low. These episodes can be difficult to predict and can … Continue reading
Helpful Tips in Managing Your Heart Health
The majority of people have never been to med school, therefore, they do not have the proper knowledge and ability to diagnose illnesses or heart problems. With our without a medicine degree, we all know how heart health is important. As such, doing what you can to monitor this could help you avoid turning into … Continue reading
Ways to Love Your Brain and Lessen Cognitive Decline
There has been increasing evidence proving that people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by adopting newer and healthier lifestyle habits. As a compounding pharmacy in Union City, New Jersey, we would like to offer you this list of things you can do to show your brain love and lessen your risks of mental … Continue reading
Rare Mosquito-Borne Virus Spreads Across Several States
A rare mosquito-borne virus has infected numerous people and led to 9 deaths in the past months. The “eastern equine encephalitis” or EEE is a fatal disease carried by mosquitoes from birds to humans and other animals it feeds on. At least 29 cases of the disease have been recorded from seven states, namely: Massachusetts, … Continue reading